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Professional Development at Horizon


HAN/ Teaching staff at Horizon Hanoi gathered together on the final day of October to share and communicate ideas for professional development in the workplace.

Several teachers took to the stage on Saturday morning to speak about a topic or experience inspired by teaching. 

Mr Park discussed the different types of intelligence that all of us, as teachers and students, share. This focused on how intelligence isn’t only about ‘being smart’, rather the different ways each of us can be smart.

A guest speaker, Ms Monique Barabut, skyped in from the Philippines, who gave advice on understanding adolescents in the modern world. This gave way for an interesting discussion on what considerations we should have for teenagers and how we can use this to make our classes more engaging.

The event included a heartfelt inspirational lightning talk from Ms Molly McMiles on understanding speech and language therapy. This reminded us that each and every individual communicates differently through focusing and learning in their own way.

The day finished with an informative guide to our grade books on the iSAMS platform by Head of Academics. This was soon followed by birthday celebrations for our October staff.

We are all preparing and looking forward to next month’s event.


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