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WIDA Framework


What is WIDA? 

Horizon International Bilingual School is a WIDA International Schools Consortium member.

WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment) is a global network designed to support and develop English abilities in Multilingual learners. WIDA provides students, families, educators, and administrators with high-quality, research-based tools and resources dedicated to language development for multilingual learners and students who use English as their second language.  

Why do we want to use WIDA at Horizon International Bilingual School? 

WIDA strives to support multilingual learners – of all ages and all levels of language development in programs and classrooms– by providing a year-long road map to assess and improve their English abilities in 4 domains: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.  These Language abilities are looked at in 5 different academic areas:  Social and Instructional Language, Language of Language Arts, Language of Mathematics, Language of Science, and Language of Social Studies. As our students come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, we want to set real-life expectations to support and improve their academic language development and success in all subjects. Not only does WIDA  design the standards and assessments, but it also creates teaching tools and offers instructional support to make language development and learning more effective. 

What do we love about WIDA?

WIDA believes in a "Can Do" philosophy, recognizing and building on what culturally and linguistically diverse students can already do. WIDA sees multilingual students as assets and believes that different proficiencies in the English language should not stop a learner from succeeding academically. By using WIDA, we would like teachers to meet the students at their current language abilities and scaffold these abilities as the year goes on. By using WIDA, we hope to continue building a school dedicated to supporting multilingual students' academic language development and success.