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Time Capsule, send a note to future generations


/HCMC We are always encouraging Students to show creativity, but creativity is often shown in very different ways.

We are always encouraging Students to show creativity, but creativity is often shown in very different ways. Time capsules offer a fun, unique way of letting your children express themselves. It gives them a chance to find or make something that is important to them at that point in their life, and place it into the capsule so future generations can have an idea about Lives of modern day people. This project was ongoing for a week. First of all , students discuss among themselves why they do this project later each Student write a letter to some who will live after 100 years later.In this letter they mention about current trends and student life in general. Then each student prepared individual memory item that they can put in Time Capsule. The most exciting part was about Students put their hair string with their information like Age , date of birth and Full name.So after many years when people discover they can analize DNA and reach to certain knowledge about eating habits and etc… After preparing capsule Students dig and put it underground, above they plant a Tree and named “Grade 9A Tree”. It was fun and exciting activity after all as a class enjoyed Tra Sua together.


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