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Online Teaching at Horizon


/HCMC. The 2021/2022 school year started with a complete online overhaul, firstly with a full week of professional development completed virtually, our teaching staff were fully immersed into the technological realm of distance education. 

   The 2021/2022 school year started with a complete online overhaul, firstly with a full week of professional development completed virtually, our teaching staff were fully immersed into the technological realm of distance education. Not an easy feat on such a rapid timeline due to all lockdown restrictions, but we all jumped and adapted as best we could.

     As much as it was a massive challenge and learning curve for the school and teachers, our students and parents were also thrown into the deep end and yet we all managed to learn how to swim as a team, navigating this new ocean of challenges together.

      Admin staff have been navigating, guiding and supporting the teaching staff, parents and students by juggling all the unexpected, logistical obstacles that were thrown their way.

     Teaching staff have been trialing the different online tools available and constantly testing out new concepts to help engage the students, while still meeting the curriculum objectives.

     Students have had to dig deep to overcome the disappointment of not being able to see their friends, meet new friends and find a whole new level of responsibility in trying their best to focus, understand and adapt to the new online world.

    And lastly, parents have had to now spend a lot more time, guiding and nurturing their children through the technological hoops and platforms as well as cheerleading them on and motivating them to persevere and try their best to be present in front of a screen all while finding ways to support their well being.
In light of all the challenges, so much growth, experience, perseverance, responsibility and trust has been built amongst the Horizon community.

      It has certainly been an interesting time for us all, but in spite of the difficulties, set backs and disappointments, we have all taken it in our stride by setting our sights on learning new skills, gaining new online experience and most importantly trying our best to make lemonade out of lemons.

     As this world shifts into a more technological era, Horizon is moving swiftly along with the times. The Tutor Touch technology has been fitted into all our classrooms, and distance learning, while challenging, has given us all a new found confidence with technology and how we can use it to benefit us and support us.

We at Horizon will continue to broaden our horizons whether in person or from a distance.

Kerryn Stapleton

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