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Reading is fun !


/HCMC. Book is not only a friend but also a teacher in many aspects.

Reading is fun !

Book is not only a friend but also a teacher in many aspects. It gives us boundless knowledge and itself a magical key for your future. At Horizon school, along with using the Myon application in helping students to read all kinds of English books, the school also orients them to read literary works and genres of books with good life values to develop their intellectual and personality. 

Recently, Horizon school has introduced and organized for our students to read, also learn many helpful and interesting books such as: Nobody’s boy, The Green Lotus Bud, The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly,.. After a series of exploring, reading days the students have achieved their understanding, their knowledge about the books with interesting games in Kahoot.

 Thanks to the books, we hope that our little friends will expand their learning, enhance their life lessons and flourish their positive thoughts !


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