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Horizon joins Hanoi Music Festival


Horizon International Bilingual School students participated in the inaugural Hanoi Music Festival at Hanoi Amsterdam High School last March 28, 2023

The live televised event was lined up with an array of musical numbers coming from thirty-five (35) bands from thirty-one (31) different schools. The Horizon Band was the first to perform, showcasing their singing and musical talent.

The band performed ‘A Million Dreams’, a hit single from the movie The Greatest Showman, and the popular Vietnamese song Tuoi Mong Mo. This drew a lot of applause from the crowd and judges.

"I am extremely proud of our students", Mr. Red Denopol, music teacher and band coach, said. "Even with a limited time to prepare, they were able to perform at a high level".

Representing the Horizon Band were multi-award-winning guitarist, Võ Trung Hiếu, international students Kim Sumin (keyboard), and Jieun Oh (bass). They were joined by the school's powerhouse vocalists, Thanh Tam Dau, Janette Lee Reeves and Trần Hạnh Minh.

Grade 10 students, together with Ms. Laura Hamilton and Mr. Nguyen Van Dong, were there at the event to cheer and support our students.

In the end, Horizon were given a plaque of appreciation for their excellent performance and participation in the festival.


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